Malama the A’ina, Pono Preachers: They aren’t the Rubbah Slippah Folks

After seeing numerous hate comments and nastiness among the A’ole crowd, I started asking myself as to why these folks seem to not embody the local style spirit?  Do these folks, who are demonizing farmers across our state, have any roots to plantation style culture?  To me, they do not speak or act with the rubbahContinue reading “Malama the A’ina, Pono Preachers: They aren’t the Rubbah Slippah Folks”

Research 101: To Feed and Protect a World, Rein in Corporate Ag

Remember, that what you read on the internet is not always true and you have to research the sources first before you profess it as your proof.  If you don’t, and use the statements from the post as your evidence, you won’t be able to source out your statement.  That source is called evidence whichContinue reading “Research 101: To Feed and Protect a World, Rein in Corporate Ag”

No Aloha GMO Free Kauai: Go Use the Nazis!

Just when you thought that the whole pesticides and GMO issue was dying down a bit, something pops up that garners attention.  The A’oles have made a movie portraying the scientists, bloggers, and others who speak up for biotech as being aligned with this well known person in history.  Unbelievable but not surprising.  Does thisContinue reading “No Aloha GMO Free Kauai: Go Use the Nazis!”