Moms Making Moms Scared With Misinformation

It is really sad when a group of mom’s decide to “educate” people about GMOs.  Two lead mothers in the picture is Mae Fuimaono, a nurse, and Trisha “Mama T” Alari-Gonsalves, a chef associated with Down to Earth. None of these two women have any nutritional background but seem to feel that they can apparentlyContinue reading “Moms Making Moms Scared With Misinformation”

Elle Cochran the Gary Hooser of Maui Once again, a rogue county council member is starting up a witch hunt on another outer island: Maui.  Meet Elle Cochran, who has decided to carry on Gary Hooser’s misinformation of the mob campaign there. If you take a look at the commenters on there, it is no surprise on what you will find.Continue reading “Elle Cochran the Gary Hooser of Maui”

The Right to Farm Bill and The HATE COMES Out!

Well, the farmers just got some news that was good today.  Finally.  Interesting enough, there were some 36 legislators introducing the Hawaii Right to Farm Act.  This spells out bad news for the counties, who have gone rogue in creating their own laws. Interesting enough was that the Chair of the Agriculture committee isn’t evenContinue reading “The Right to Farm Bill and The HATE COMES Out!”

Malama the A’ina, Pono Preachers: They aren’t the Rubbah Slippah Folks

After seeing numerous hate comments and nastiness among the A’ole crowd, I started asking myself as to why these folks seem to not embody the local style spirit?  Do these folks, who are demonizing farmers across our state, have any roots to plantation style culture?  To me, they do not speak or act with the rubbahContinue reading “Malama the A’ina, Pono Preachers: They aren’t the Rubbah Slippah Folks”

Andy Parx Proud of His Associations

Andy Parx who blogged about an email he came upon, thinks he hit the goldmine that there’s a collusion among folks.  Yes, you are right Andy, people are starting to stand together against the A’oles.  Let’s take a look at the names he’s listed that he’s so proud about: Chris Manfredi, Jason Moniz, Lorie Farrell,Continue reading “Andy Parx Proud of His Associations”

Bulliettes Against Biotech: Attack a Scientist

The term “babe” should refer to innocent children, untouched by the world, and ready to discover it for themselves.  The A’ole group called the Babes Against Biotech is a complete misnomer for one of the vilest group of folks found in our islands.  A’ole legislators love these nasty women and their following and throw outContinue reading “Bulliettes Against Biotech: Attack a Scientist”

How to Get Into Higher Office in Hawaii

When you know that your elected seat might be in danger, what is the best strategy?  Who appears to be the loudest and largest block of voters? The polls appear to be in their favor much of the time.  However when you find out the fact that many of these have been compromised, you haveContinue reading “How to Get Into Higher Office in Hawaii”

Bullying Tactics Front and Center by the Mob

The leader of the A’oles had something to say the other day… He makes as if he wants to be good neighbors but his followers state the obvious that no such plan would ever work. The A’oles have also decided what their next strategy will be too… And if they don’t get their way, thisContinue reading “Bullying Tactics Front and Center by the Mob”

Research 101: Mana Magazine Against the Grain

**Much of what was claimed in this Mana Magazine article was debunked in a recent article about Greggor Ilagan’s journey to dispelling the myths of biotech by Amy Harmon on the New York Time’s front page several days ago.  A’oles won’t like it but should read it before stating the popular claims.** There was anContinue reading “Research 101: Mana Magazine Against the Grain”

Inciting the Mob: Let the Fear Mongers Unite!

Bring on the FEAR MONGERING once again!  The seed companies have filed a lawsuit against the county which comes as no surprise.  The health studies and environmental studies found nothing to support their claims so time to spread more and more fear. Just to start off the day, GMO Free USA posts this meme ofContinue reading “Inciting the Mob: Let the Fear Mongers Unite!”